Learn a lot from Little Pot.

Grow love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control every day!

Your circumstances are hard and always responding with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control is difficult.

But you were created by a loving Potter who wants to cultivate those qualities through you. We’ll show you how to be a Fruit Pot!

Little Pot shares how to be a fruit pot
Play Video about Little Pot shares how to be a fruit pot

Learn a lot from The Little Pot

Little Pot is a vessel that grows fruit for the potter.

It learned that its identity is not in what the potter puts inside it, but what He can grow through it. 

Now Little Pot wants to help you.

Fill in your first name and email, and you’ll receive “How to be a Fruit Pot, Growing the Fruit of the Spirit in 7 Prolific Steps.”

And wait, there’s more! Each week, you’ll receive a fruitful Friday email.

Join the vessels on their fruit-bearing journey today.

Little Pot's Mission

Little Pot’s mission is to provide creative teaching resources, inspirational children’s books, and Bible studies to help you grow spiritually, socially, and academically so the Potter can grow His fruit through you.

Little Pot spiritual growth is the Planting of God’s Word (the seed) in a humble heart (Humus soil).
Planting God’s Word (the seed) in a humble heart (Humus soil).
Little Pot social growth is Stem integrity (the straight & upright stem). Leaf healthy relationships that bring in the light (photosynthesis).
Stem integrity (the straight & upright stem). Leaf healthy relationships that bring in the light (photosynthesis).
Little Pot academic growth is Blooming knowledge activates new growth and produces new ideas (pollination).
Blooming knowledge activates new growth and produces new ideas (pollination).
The fruit (of the Spirit) is produced through Little Pot
Finally, the fruit (of the Spirit) is produced.

Little Pot's Core Values

  1. Connect with the creator. Whether our resources refer to the creator as a potter or Mother Nature, we believe we are each divinely created by God. In addition, He has a unique purpose for us that includes knowing Him personally.
  2.  Be creative. Everything that we do and create is a reflection of the creator Himself. Likewise, we strive to create fun and unique resources that grow us spiritually, socially, and academically.
  3. Be fruitful. Physical, spiritual, social, and academic growth should produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control. These qualities are what the Bible refers to as the fruit of the Spirit. Just as the potter created Little Pot to be a fruit pot, we must be fruitful vessels. Therefore, we strive to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit.

You are the story sprouted by God, not in books, but in hearts

2 Corinthians 3:2-3

The Potter and His Vessel Books

hi, I'm Dawn

As a mom, educator, and school principal, I created teaching resources and children’s books about clay vessels discovering their purpose. Each pot has a unique relationship to the potter. In addition, their stories represent the stories we sprout alongside our creator. Just as Little Pot grows strawberries, we can produce the fruit of the Spirit. Likewise, a teapot serves. As an oil lamp gives light, we can shine. Consequently, these characters and I help others grow spiritually, socially, and academically. Each area leads to serving, shining, and bearing fruit for the potter.

Play Video about Little Pot fruit of the spirit lesson
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The Little Pot is a charming parable-like children's picture book that gently teaches and encourages children to rest in God's hands no matter how He chooses to use them throughout their lives.
Angela Elwell Hunt
Angela Elwell Hunt
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"May the lessons learned by the little pot enrich our lives! A bright and charming book to teach eternal truths" - Angela Hunt.
Bill Myers
Bill Myers
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"A wonderful story for children (and adults) reminding us how special we are when we allow God's hands to shape our lives." -Bill Myers, best-selling author and award-winning filmmaker.
Troy Schmidt
Troy Schmidt
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This delightful tale digs deep into the root of God's plan for your lives. It's a beautiful piece of pottery praise." -Troy Schmidt, co-author and screenwriter of the Hermie and Friends series, writer at Walt Disney World.
ACSI Convention
ACSI Convention
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"Dawn was an excellent speaker and was a great encouragement. Powerful speaker! - Great concept to put God first in everything we read daily.

Learn a lot with Little Pot

integrating the Bible into creative teaching resources
sprouting stories while integrating God's Word
creative teaching resources and ideas
creatively sprouting teacher stories and sharing resources
creative teaching resources with mother goose and mother nature
sprouting stories with Mother Goose and Mother Nature

Who can learn from the Little Pot?

Homeschooling Parents

Your story requires you to be your child’s teacher, principal, and parent. Therefore, you’re the single authority in your child’s growth. You and your child will learn a lot from Little Pot because you work together every day and every year. I’ve worked with homeschoolers and raised three children of my own. The Potter, His vessels, and I are here to help support you with creative ideas & share in…

Sprouting your story.

Private School Educators

Your school is a family, and you work closely with each child’s parent providing customer service for the “business” of education. Consequently, Little Pot will help grow all children spiritually, socially, and academically because your students are paying customers. I spent more than ten years as a private school principal. The Potter, His vessels, and I are here to give you new ideas & share in…

Sprouting your story.

Public School Teachers

You teach all types of students from diverse backgrounds, and you must be a light in a world that rejects Christ. Little Pot will help you share Jesus’s love within the guidelines of legal restrictions. I taught Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd grade in 4 public school systems. I also helped to develop common state standards. The Potter, His vessels, and I are here to give you new ideas & share in… 

Sprouting your story.

Children's Church Workers

Your story entails teaching all age levels weekly or monthly for only a short period. Moreover, your students must choose to come. Therefore, Little Pot can help children love their time with you, return each week, and remember the lessons from God’s Word. I have served in children’s ministries since I was a teen. Therefore, the potter, His vessels, and I are here to give you new ideas & share in…

 Sprouting your story.

What are you waiting for?
Let's learn a lot from Little Pot.

a creative teaching resource for character education

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